Halloween History, Origins and Halloween Traditions
Halloween History

The name of this strange festival is Halloween. Every year, at the end of October, millions of people around the world celebrate this festival by dressing up as ghosts and monsters.
- When did this fair start?
- What is the purpose of celebrating it?
- Is there any logical reason behind all this?
- Halloween is a festival that is celebrated in European and American countries.
Halloween History:
Whether the food is black, orange, or red and placed in a unique shape or decorated in such a way that even the sight of it is frightening. Children come out into the streets dressed in hideous costumes and beg for things from nearby houses. Trick or treat, which means either give them something to eat or they will do something naughty to them. All things that are in any way related to ghosts, spirits, and other invisible beings.
Halloween in Western countries:
You have to go back two thousand years to find out the history of Halloween. Two thousand years ago, some European tribes celebrated a festival on October 31 to mark the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The New Year started on November 1 and the new crop was also harvested on the same day.
European and American countries:
These Europeans belonged to the Celt tribe, and the name of this festival was Samhain. This tribe lived mostly in the territories of Ireland, Great Britain, and France. But friends, the purpose of this festival was not only the beginning of the New Year, the arrival of winter or the planting of a new crop. Rather, the Celtic people believed that on the night between October 31 and November 1. The souls of the dead returned to earth as ghosts.
It was also used to mark the beginning of winter, and many people died in winter due to the harshness of the weather, so the winter season was associated with death, disease, fear, and dread. This night of October 31 was also considered a terrible night because, after that, the month of November started and the weather got cold. The Celtic people believed that on this night, the gap between the ghost world and the human world shrank dramatically.
Halloween Traditions:
For this reason, priests can make accurate predictions and see into the future. These people would ask the priests if we would die in the winter this year. And the priest would say, "No, this winter of yours will pass," and the people would have calmed down knowing this. In 43 A.D, The Romans gained control over most of the territory of the Celtic tribes. The Romans ruled these areas for four hundred years. During each year, the Celtic tribes celebrated their festival of Samhain.
Souls Day & Saint's Day:
The Romans also used to celebrate some festivals in late October. Their rituals also became a part of Samhain. The head of Christianity (Pope) in 609 AD, declared All Saint's Day to be celebrated on the 13th of May every year for those who died for Christianity. This date was changed to November 1 after a few years. In 1000 A.D, It was announced to celebrate All Souls Day on November 2nd to pay tribute to the souls of those who died.
Christianity was influencing the Celtic tribes in those days, and these people were attracted to Christianity. It was thought that the Church was actually declaring All Souls Day to end this tribal festival of Celts. Because Christians on November 1st already used to celebrate All Saints Day, it was decided to celebrate All Souls Day on November 2nd instead. The purpose of these three festivals was somehow the same.
The purpose of these three festivals was somehow the same. The Celtic tribes also used to do something similar on the occasion of their festival. This was the case for many centuries. That is, these three festivals were celebrated on October 31st, November 1st, and November 2nd, one after the other. All Saints Day was now called All Hallows Day. Consequently, the evening before that, i.e., the evening of the Celtic festival, was now called All Hallows Eve. Over the years, All Hallows Eve changed into Halloween.
Halloween became popular in America and people started celebrating it every year. Friends, in the past, the festival of Halloween was associated with fear, dread, and horror. But as the times changed, so did the ways of celebrating this Halloween.